
Mindful Aging: Embracing Cognitive Resilience and Vitality

Mon, 29th - 6:30 PM
60 min
6-Week Group Health Coaching Program
Have you found yourself asking, “What steps should I be taking to make the most powerful difference in my brain health?”
Is your belief system “if you’re in your 40s or beyond, it’s all downhill from here!” Or “Getting older means becoming less capable, undesirable, and forgetful.”
The fact is, the aging process can create pervasive issues that plague an aging body including brain fog, exhaustion, forgetfulness, addiction, depression, and anxiety.
In the past, we treated the brain like an isolated organ sitting on the top of its stem. We now know that it is an integral interdependent system that’s connected to the body at every level.
With cases of Alzheimer’s Disease, Cancer, and Heart Disease all on the rise, NOW is the time to take control of your health. You have the power to avoid and even reverse the negative effects of aging.
The actions we take today have a meaningful impact on the body and the brain.
Let’s take that action TOGETHER!
Join Melanie in her new six-week health coaching program this spring!
Discover simple and natural steps to live your best days, no matter the phase of life you find yourself.
Are you ready to:
- Restore the brain/body connections
- Rewire your brain with specific brain longevity exercises
- Uplevel your nutritional habits to boost your immune system and brain health
- Rebalance your gut flora that prevents inflammation, autoimmunity, and weight gain
- Diminish brain fog, burnout, and anxiety
- Clear out toxins that increase the risk of cognitive impairment
- Recover the gray matter through certain Kirtan Kriya practices
It’s never too early or too late to begin!
Reconnect to community:
- Every week we come together for 75-minutes of connection and community building.
- Peer support and sharing are a key component to this process.
- Chances are if one individual is struggling, there is usually at least one other person who is having the same challenge.
- Educational pieces of our time together will highlight pillars of brain health: nutrition, environmental health, sleep habits, brain longevity yoga, stress management and much, much more!
Dates and Structure:
- Introductory meeting via Zoom on Saturday, March 30 at 12:30pm to meet your community.
- Weekly emails on Fridays with suggest meal plans, recipes, shopping lists, review of prior week’s discussion, and more.
- In-person check-ins and learning at The Mat Plano at 6:30pm on the following Mondays:
   April 1
   April 8
   April 15
   April 25 (note: change to a Thursday this week only)
   April 29
   May 6
Investment in your health: $275; Mat Members save 15%
The time is NOW to make the changes that will become your new way of healthy living.
Melanie Butz
Changing Rooms
Personal Storage
Free Parking